The Past

     This hits really close to home.  The past can most definitely hinder your present and your future.  It can suck the joy right out of your life.  But, when you really think about it, truly, the past is in the past (gone).  Take a second look at the scripture at the beginning of Chapter 2…

“…forgetting those things which are behind…I press toward the mark…”

     I know it’s kind of like the “Don’t worry” scenario at the beginning of the chapter.  Some might say (I’ve been known to.), “Let it go.”  Easier said than done.  But trust me, I know from personal experience that God can restore you.  You can be finished with the past in a positive way.

     Most of us have made decisions and mistakes that we regret.  I most certainly have.  After years of beating myself up and living with on-and-off regret, I sought my pastor for counsel.  I was able to come to a point that I gave everything to God, including my past.  I rested in Him.  I learned to love myself again.  As a result, I grew beyond letting the past hinder my present and my future.  God has continued to change me and mold me, and my goal is to continually grow. (More on this in Chapter 5, “Never Finished”)  Oh, sure, Satan has tried to take me backwards every now and then, but I know that my peace comes from focusing on God and what He has done and is doing right now. That’s not to say that we are not changed or molded by events in our past, but God is the ultimate Potter.  He can take the most misshapen vessel and make it beautiful!  “And yet, O Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, and you are the potter.  We all are formed by your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

     In the case of my career path, I was so invested that it literally took me approximately 3 1/2 years to realize that it was ok to move on and let the past (and the pride) go.  There are still a decision or two that has to be made concerning links that tie this path to the present, but as I seek God, I know He will provide wisdom that will keep me “pressing toward the mark.”