Pity Parties

Being told that my pity parties were sin was a very pivotal time in my life.  (Thanks, Pastor Dan!!) I guess I had to find something else to do with my time! (haha) I needed to move on – be finished with those parties.  A scripture that added change in a positive way to my life is found in Philippians (great book!).  It says…

     “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (vs. 8, NLT)

By spending my time thinking about these things, and thanking God, the pities diminished and the joys began to arise.  I didn’t need to feel guilt or condemnation for thinking about good things…my happy thoughts were Biblical!  It was actually ok for me to pray about the sad things that come up in life, but not dwell on them.

     How much more of a positive influence for Jesus could we be if we lay aside the weight(s)?  Lay it at Jesus’ feet.  Rest there.  Then pick yourself up; dust yourself off, and move forward with a smile on your face knowing that if you don’t have another single person in your life to encourage you, you have The Ultimate Encourager, One named, Jesus!  You have God’s Word that is a “lamp to your feet and a light to your path” (from Psalm 119:105)!  He can encourage you…then YOU can encourage someone else– YOU – BE the encourager.  Don’t wait for someone to encourage you – encourage someone else, and in that, you will find encouragement.