Negativity & Ungratefulness

Sounds so harsh, doesn’t it?! “You ungrateful child!”  I don’t know where I’ve heard that…well, maybe I do, but if memory serves me correctly, it was in playfulness!!  Since, it does sound a bit harsh, you may be tempted to skip over this section, but let’s just consider this for a moment.

     How much time do you/we spend focusing on things that basically bug us?  On the negative? On the glass half-empty, so to speak?  Well, if you fall into that category, there is a good chance that being grateful or thankful may not be as high on the priority list as it should be.  As a result, you likely are living below the joy, peace, contentment, and blessing that “the abundant life” brings.

     Let’s look at the King James Version of scripture that I mentioned earlier in this chapter that God used to help bring change to my life (which is the version I was reading at the time)…

     “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever      things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever          things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever      things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if      there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians      4:8)

     With so much attention being drawn to negative news, if nothing else, we can easily become tainted with only what is bad in this world, and I know there is; but, the reality is that there is still good – a lot of good! 

     Recently, my husband and I took a trip to the grocery store on a VERY busy Saturday.  We live in a small community, and when you plan a trip here on a day like that day, you can bet that you will most definitely run into, at the very least, a few friends or family members.  It’s best to brace for it and settle into the ride – and the reunions!  It’ll take you a bit longer, but if you expect it, it can be enjoyable!  On this particular Saturday, I only saw one (maybe, two) people who were rude.  For the most part, folks were friendly, patient, and helpful.  I could have focused on the one who very much stood out as being rude and let that affect me, influence me, or ruin my trip – or even my day; or, I could recognize the beauty and goodness of the people in my hometown.  I chose the latter. 

     The verses mentioned in this section basically say, find what is good and think about them.  So do it…think on these things, thank God for them – even the little things, and allow that to become a part of who you are.