Millstone Church

I’ve attended quite a few churches in my life (and even in my earlier years), but the one that seems to have played the biggest role in my beginning stages and foundation of serving God was Millstone Church.

Grandma “Cory” sat about three seats from the front on the right side of the church. She kept Juicy Fruit gum in her purse. She may have shared it with others, but I still think it was just for me. There were times when I was pretty small that when I chewed gum, once the flavor was gone, I wanted another piece. Mom put a stop to that—probably a good thing! Grandma also almost always had a testimony to share for the Lord each service.

This little church holds so many memories for me. Accepting Jesus as my Savior at a young age left me with the head and heart knowledge of doing so, but less of the memory. Being one I wanted to remember, I prayed and asked God to help me with that one. What I remembered was being at an altar at another country church (Mt. Caramel) where I went sometimes with my other grandma…just a bit farther out. Oh, I have some memories there, too! Let’s just say to get to the outside toilet, you had to walk through the graveyard! Later, they did put one a little closer to the church. I also remember being at home and calling people on the phone and telling them that “I got saved!” So, although I didn’t necessarily get saved in Millstone Church, I credit so many of the people in that church for nurturing my growth including my mom for taking me. And the memories from both churches are savored.

As a small child, I remember the first time I felt like I wanted, or needed, to sing in church. I told my mom, and she told Red Burris, the leader that night. I don’t remember actually singing, but that was my start. I sang in church every so often even into my adult years. Granted, to this day, I am not really a singer…as a matter of fact, sometimes, the correct tune I hear in my head still won’t come out of my mouth! Occasionally, I can hit it, but more so if someone is leading me. (That doesn’t mean it’s always pretty!) I specifically remember singing to the top of my lungs at home one day (I was probably in my teens), and my dear mother, in the other end of the house hollered, “Jackie, what are you yelling about?!” Maybe that, perhaps, was a little clue to my singing abilities! I do, however, believe with all my heart that those who encouraged and allowed me to sing in church added to my growth spiritually…and you know, the Bible does say to “Make a joyful noise to the Lord…!”

We lived about one-fourth mile from the church. Because we lived so close, it was a nice walk if we chose to. One glorious memory is that of a huge snowfall in the 70’s. My mom and me, along with my aunt and cousins bundled up and wore our pants (unusual for us girls unless it was Bible School) and boots that day and trekked to church in the snow. It may have only been us and the preacher and his family; I can’t really remember if anyone else was there, but I do remember the number was very small…but, oh, the joy and excitement of the journey there.

As a teenager, I would often walk to church, too. For a period of time, my cousin, Jeff’s, girlfriend at the time would walk back with me, and we would play Atari. Oh, what fun! When Atari came out, we pretty much all loved it…my mom played Frogger until her thumbs were sore!

     That little church in the country would be full of about 100 people on Sunday mornings.  The preacher, Ed, and his dad, Doc, were very supportive of the youth taking part in the service.  Doc was also known to call down the youth in the back rows if need be!

I enjoyed Sunday School, especially as a teenager when my cousin, Mike, taught. I LOVED ‘Bible School’ (VBS / Vacation Bible School) (and not only at Millstone!)!

As I mentioned earlier, Grandma Cory would usually have a testimony for the Lord. If you’re not familiar, it is when people randomly stand up to tell what God has done for them, or to simply praise Him or say that they love Him. That’s not to say that occasionally some may get a little carried away and say a bit more than that. We’ll leave it at that. Well, often I would feel that I wanted to share a testimony at a fairly young age. That testimony was welcomed and supported. It was not until my adult life that I realized just how much of a positive impact that support in more ways than one likely had on my Christian walk.

Family attended Millstone Church, and rides in the back of a truck after church to spend the day together were not uncommon. (That may be a story for another day.) Lifetime friends were made there. So many of us are spread out and many have since passed, but the memories and legacies live on. Some are still there, and one sweet day, many of us will meet again at a grand reunion. Until then, may we stay focused on the destination and embrace the ‘joy and excitement of the journey there.’