
“For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.” (James 3:16, NLT)

Ouch! Wow!  If you read the King James Version, it also offers a clear picture that jealousy is just wrong.  How can we get rid of this root that springs up at such an unexpected time – or, maybe – it’s always there?  As I mentioned earlier, just because something has always been, doesn’t mean it always has to be. 

     Jealousy ties very closely to discontentment.  When we compare ourselves to others, even automatically – or without realizing it – it creates either discontent, negativity, or a sense of victory in what we have accomplished. 

     In looking at jealousy, let’s remember a couple of things.  One, don’t compare.  God created us uniquely for His purpose.  When we compare, we are looking at quite possibly another person’s path.

     “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help   each other….The human body has many parts, but the many      parts make up one whole body.  So it is with the body of Christ…and we all share the same Spirit…If the foot     says, ‘I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,’ that does not make it any less a part of the      body….But our bodies have many parts, and God has put   each part just where he wants it.” (From, 1 Corinthians   12:7-18, NLT)

     Guiltily, I have wanted to be the head on too many occasions when I should have been the little toe, perhaps.  Or, maybe, just any body part that I wasn’t – or that would draw attention.  I realized today – earlier this very day – that I do not want attention that is for someone else…attention that may draw me away from God because I have coveted (yes, coveted) after something that was not mine.  I have come to the conclusion that I only want what God has for me, or is good with me having, whether that would be in ministry, career, or material possessions, for that is where I will be truly fulfilled, content, happy, and most effective.

     I have gotten myself into some highly stressful situations when I have been motivated more by selfish ambition than by the leading of The Holy Spirit.  You’ve heard the phrase, “Hindsight is 20/20.”  Well, I have experienced that full force.  Sometimes, we want something so badly that it “speaks” so loud that we cannot hear God as He tries to gently guide our steps in the path that is best.  And, when I’ve looked back, I’ve realized that, “Yes, I felt ‘checked’ about that.” 

     By “checked”, I mean that “static in your stomach” (as a great preacher put it many moons ago) that lets you know that something ought not to be. When you feel that uneasiness inside, and you know that it is not fear or confusion (which in themselves can lead you astray), rest assured that, when God checks you on something, He has something better for you – or He is protecting you from something.  I’ve experienced the reward of listening, and I’ve experienced consequences of not.  I could relate several stories simply on this, but for now, just know that when we are motivated by jealousy or selfish ambition (which can be very much related) over the leading of The Holy Spirit, it can create confusion; and lead to more discontentment rather than fulfillment.

     Number two to remember when looking at jealousy and its effects is, always remember that God is in our very breath.  We cannot accomplish a single thing without that allowance in itself alone.  So when we feel puffed up with victory, it might do us well to kneel, give thanks, and realize that it is Him and not us.