
We must begin before we can finish…

     If you have ventured onto this book,  you may just be someone who has trouble finishing things as some would say I have in the past…or…you may just be looking for a note of encouragement to finish well.  Another possibility is that you need the courage to move forward and be finished with something you need to leave behind.  Whatever the case may be, I am here to encourage you to hold on or take that step of faith!

There are things in life that we try (sample, if you will) and find out it’s not for us.  My family may look at me as a quitter (glass – half empty); I, on the other hand, like to look at it as, I have tried many things in narrowing down what is for me (glass – half full!)!  For goodness sake, there are just certain things in life that you cannot know whether you like it unless you try it!  One friend put it this way, “’Peter’ didn’t know if he liked the pie until he tried it.”  (Thanks, Paul K.!)

In our younger years, I used to ask my cousin, Lorinda, who would say she didn’t like certain foods, “Have you tasted it?”  When she would say she had not, I would basically ask, “How do you know then?”  I’ve recently realized that this also holds true in life.  Sometimes, whether we get ourselves in the way, are a little over-ambitious, or are trying our best to take the right path, we need a little taste of something to know that it is not for us in order to narrow down those things that are.  Psalms 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good…”  When we taste that goodness, we will know.  And, if we seek Him, He will be faithful to nudge us in the right direction even if we take a step down the wrong path… fine-tuning our “taste buds” as we go.

Now, there are most definitely things that I truly think you should never try…and I think most of us know what those things are.  I, also, think that there some avoidable more painful situations and harder to get out of (been there for sure!)if we will only listen and learn. Similarly, there are things that I also think you should not only try – but hold on tight and cling to no matter how bad you want to be finished. (Keep reading to find out just what I mean!)

So, thank you for joining me in finishing this book as I take you on a little bit of my journey to the finish line and encourage you to finish your race, also– and yes– let’s finish well!

As you read through this book, please keep this in mind…know that I had to lay aside some weights, allow God to quiet me, and find a new contentment…and begin…so I could finish.


Note: I plan to add pages from my book to this section a little at a time, so please, stop back and stay tuned for more to come!! 🙂