Chapter 7: Finished Searching!

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:31)

     It’s time!  It’s time to lay down the search light and realize that what you’re searching for provides the only light you really need. 

     When we see people, or are people, who are running to and fro busy-busy, perhaps spinning our wheels, yet do not seem happy or joyful, it’s obvious something is missing.  Or, maybe it’s a season of life in which you are not so busy, yet you still feel empty. I have Good News for you.  I know the One who gives hope and joy.

     Now, you may think, “Oh, I’ve heard this all my life.”  Well, that may be true, but if you fall into the category mentioned, then perhaps, you have only heard and not yet experienced.

     Any of the things that we have discussed in this book, or otherwise, concerning things we are holding on to, could be a possible joy-stealer…mistakes, regret, resentment, unforgiveness (toward yourself or others – been there on both accounts!), focusing on negative, fear, trap of the rat race (sometimes even without realizing it), and the list goes on.  You fill in the blank.

     There is a chance that you don’t even know why you feel empty, sad, discouraged, or discontent.  That’s the beauty of this Good News.  You can bring all that you know – or don’t know – to Jesus, and He can change everything! I think the biggest issue is looking to any other source for your joy, happiness, peace, or fulfillment. 

     I remember the time period in my life when my pastor talked about our fulfillment being only from God.  I had been a Christian at that time in my life for many years (I accepted Christ as my Savior as a child), yet I never really understood the “peace that passes understanding” that I had heard people talk about.  This shed a new light.  I tried to live right, but I had regrets and issues.  I couldn’t get true fulfillment (or peace) from any source other than God…not my husband, not my mom, or my dad, not from raising my kids, or from a job or a career – only from God.

     With some “marriage” counseling (I put marriage in quotation marks because I needed some fixing of my own, not just my marriage.), I came to a point of surrendering my life fully to Christ.  By that I mean that I recognized that, in myself, I could not be who I needed to be.  Only in Him could I live with less regret.  I became willing to accept His will for my life…I gave Him myself, my family, my issues, my past, my regrets, my marriage, my career path (which I didn’t really have at the time – only hopes)…I gave Him control.  I opened up areas of my heart, or will, to The Holy Spirit, where I had kept up a wall before…I was able to relax in Him. 

     With that place of surrender came a peace that did pass understanding.  I was able to trust Him more; fear less; live free – free from the past and any shame and guilt that I carried.  I was able to begin to become who God truly created me to be.  To love – and even like – myself more than I ever had before.  Funny how losing myself to Christ helped me to better find my true identity. He changed me, yet made me uniquely me. 

     From that point on, I have grown; I have failed; I have recognized when I picked back up some of those things I surrendered and quickly realized that I did NOT want to go back there!  I want to remain in Him.  That is a desire I hope to never lose!  “Remain in me, and I will remain in you…” (John 15:4)

     Living a life of surrender to Christ Jesus has brought many changes in my life, but I can tell you that those changes have been for the better, not only for me, but for those I come in contact or live with (like the hubs!).  I remember the first time after that time of surrender that my husband told me, “You’re different.”  I love it when people see a change in you or compliment your walk with Christ because I know that I could not receive a better one; I know that what they are seeing is Christ in me, changing me, molding me, and making me more like Him. 

     This life has brought with it a contentment and a fulfillment that I’m not sure that I could even describe.  It’s one of those things that you might say, “O taste and see that the Lord is good:  blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”  (Psalms 34:8)  You must first taste in order to know the delight.

     I invite you to be finished with a life of discontentment – a life of searching for things to fulfill that will not.  I invite you to begin this new life that holds eternal value…not just for you, but quite possibly, for those you come in contact with. 

     If you have never asked Jesus to come into your heart, start there.  The Bible says in Romans 10, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (vs. 9) So, simply ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sins.  Accept that He did, and tell someone.  Just let someone know. 

     If you’ve been on the way for a while like I had been, but was still searching for more, I invite you to find a place of communion with God.  Give it all to Him.  I understand that it’s scary to let go, but I have found that the fear of holding on is minuscule compared to the gain that comes from truly letting go.

     When I have struggled with “retaking control” at times, God has given me a couple of illustrations.  During one of those times, I imagined a horse-drawn carriage.  I had wanted to take hold of the reigns again, but I needed to give them back to Jesus and relax “in the back seat”…trust Him to drive.  In the second, I imagined holding on to the side of the pool when I know I love to swim.  I needed to let go of the side and be surrounded by the deep waters…relax into them…let them surround me…let Him surround me. 

     This life of surrender is an adventure worth taking.  He still shapes me and allows me to see where I need to mark up, so if you meet me along the way, know that I am a work in progress.  I hope you will join me on this journey.  Let me take your hand and let’s conquer that hill together.

Finish searching!!