Chapter 1: Giving & Accepting Encouragement

“So encourage each other and build each other up…” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

     You just never know how far a word (or an act) of encouragement will go.  One thing that motivated me to write this book was a word of encouragement…even affirmation.  As I get ready to relate to you the 8-week torture I brought on myself that truly inspired this book, just be aware that the few words, “…you can write[1],” brought that extra nudge to consider (not for the first time) that just maybe I should give this writing thing a real try.

The torture I am speaking of, is that of deciding to take two graduate classes which would go through the first part of summer.  I didn’t know what on earth I was getting myself into!  (It’s a story in itself – maybe a book! – why I decided to do that.)  I found out later (too late) that they didn’t recommend taking two classes at once for this particular college’s graduate courses (at least, perhaps, these condensed summer courses) unless you don’t have a life at all.  Well, I tried to have a life…a life I already had planned, but that surely didn’t work out very well!  I felt the pressure of knowing I probably shouldn’t be taking that short trip; going to that graduation party; going to CHURCH(?)!  For goodness sake, it was a Christian college, they probably wouldn’t want me to skip church! AND, work on my coursework every Sunday…and skip my nap?!

So, as I continued (I almost didn’t.), I realized that I needed to work, work, work if I were going to finish.  Mind you now, I tried to quit.  I tried more than once to quit.  Quitting could cause me more problems later if I wanted to continue this torturous education!  So, struggling along, I continued.

You may think I am exaggerating.  I did take breaks because, as I whined to my professors, I am not one of those people who can work nonstop without becoming overly stressed (pretty much word-for-word).  I had to ask for extensions…I was even looking at taking an incomplete until I could get everything done! (Did I mention the fact that, along with my regular course work, I had to write two – count them…1 AND 2 research papers – in two different formats, I might add – in eight weeks?!)

Here is what I am getting at.  I FINALLY finished!!  I did not make every deadline, but I was up front with my professors, and I FINISHED!! (For those of you who have your Master’s Degree – BRAVO – especially if you did it while working!  I wasn’t even working!!)  I finished the two graduate classes – not the Master’s Degree (not yet, anyway).  I had bitten off almost more than I could chew, and that was all the taste I needed to know that, at least for the time being, I needed to go a different route.

The reason I finished, however, is what I want to relate to you.  I truly feel that I could not have pulled through without the help, support, prayers, and encouragement of my family and friends.  This is one of those times that I knew during, and I still know now, that their undergirding[2] support is what enabled me to not let go (and go off the deep end!).  Granted, I give ALL praise to God, but we cannot overlook the ways in which God uses others in our times of need.  Sometimes, they are just the tools we need (and He wants to use) to carry us; stitch up our wounds; or, provide a foundation beneath so we can stand firm.

He knows what He is doing.  I can get myself into some messes when I get in a hurry and am too ambitious for my own good, but God sees fit to give me a way out, or shows me the way to the finish line.  Yet, He never does this without teaching me something from all of it.  Trust me, I learned a whole lot more than just Communications during that eight weeks or so.

Before I close out this first chapter, let me relate this little analogy that I hope will help you realize the blessing or burden you can be to someone…

My husband and I sometimes walk on our road and a connecting one.  If we go the full three miles, it takes us 1 ½ miles from our house.  That last half mile (the farthest from our house), has a doozy of a hill! Coming back is when you have to climb it.  When we began this route, I was seemingly VERY out of shape because this hill was a killer! (Although, I haven’t reached all my goals in the physical fitness area yet, I am much better now than I was then.)

So, one day as we started back up this hill (that I must say my husband handled much better than I did), I felt the struggle.  If he could have just pulled me up in a wagon, I would have been a happy camper!  After all, there was no one around to see this sight!  As I began to struggle, slowly putting one foot in front of the other, he began to mock me (in a playful way – you just have to know him)! Leaning forward, arms hanging down, acting as if he could hardly go on!  This is the clincher!  I could feel his weight on me.  I felt that his “struggle” added to mine…AND HE WAS PLAYING AROUND!  I told him he had to stop!  I could feel it!  (He’s lucky I didn’t lay down right there in the road!) As we had some fun with it, he began to march up the hill, and if I remember correctly, he even lent me a hand, and we went on to the top together…total difference!!

The moral of this story?  I hope you can see just how clearly your attitude or your words (of encouragement or otherwise) can either help or hinder someone in regards to finishing.  We can apply this to the physical world, but don’t forget how vastly important it is in our walk with Christ.  Not only do we want to finish this race well, but we want to take as many as we can with us.  In the words of Brennon Manning, as related by Toby Mac, “’In every encounter we either give life or we drain it.  There is no neutral exchange.’  Speak life” (Toby Mac).[3]  Never, EVER, forget how influential your words and actions are in encouraging or discouraging other people.  Someone is most always watching.


[1]Dr. Clifford Kelly, via research paper comment, July, 2016.

[2] undergird – 1. to strengthen; secure, as by passing a rope or chain under and around 2. To give fundamental support; provide with a sound or secure basis ( app)

[3] “Hits Deep Tour” Concert. Huntington, WV. 2013.