

     What about bickering?  The Bible says to “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18)  If we are living in a constant state of bickering, I believe we are living below the level of communication that God desires for us.

     Proverbs tells us…

     “An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified      city.  Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with      bars. (!)[Emphasis mine] Wise words satisfy like a good   meal; the right words bring satisfaction.  The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” (ch. 18, vs. 19-21)

(God, help me to be quiet where I need to be quiet.)  

     Bickering could be in the church, in your family, with your spouse, with your co-workers, or your friends.  Especially among Christians, I think this is something that the enemy loves!  We often just accept it as a lifestyle.  Perhaps you think or have adapted to this as just a way of life – perhaps especially when it comes to those closest to you.  Well, let’s do our part not to add insult to injury.  In John 17, Jesus prays for us.  How awesome that Jesus prayed for future believers – US!  If you don’t know what a majority of that prayer was, let me share, and then, please, go read it for yourself…the entire chapter.  Jesus prayed, “I am in them and you are in me.  May they experience such perfect unity [emphasis mine] that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.”(vs. 23)

     Well, now that’s a mouthful!  Our unity can be a sole witness that Jesus is who He said He was!  If we are not careful, we will complain or argue at the drop of a hat bringing dissension into the ranks.  As a result, division replaces unity.   Or, maybe we hold it inside, carrying grudges that hinder the work of The Holy Spirit.  In order to remedy this, we must first look at ourselves honestly.  Then, if we identify with this category, we should look deep and see what the root of that is.  Is it jealousy?  Discontentedness?  Anger?  Unforgiveness?  Ouch!  I know, the truth hurts (Trust me, I know!). BUT… “the truth (also) sets you free”! (From John 8:31)  Do you know what it feels like to be free?  If you are in bondage to this, then seek God, surrender this frustrated nature to Him.  Let the Holy Spirit fill whatever space is occupied by it, and feel peace and rest like you may have never experienced before.  Let’s be finished with it…and “speak life.”