Resurrection Power

Recently, some of the ladies at church had a little painting excursion. Our town has a painting room for decorative boards. I love that sort of thing, and since it was near my birthday, it seemed like a win-win! It was a nice evening. One of the ladies painted a board to hang a “verse of the week.” While we were looking at it, she asked me what mine was. I didn’t necessarily have a verse for the week specifically, but I did have a couple of what I call “theme verses”…a verse, or set of verses, from the Bible that I am holding on to, or standing on, for certain time periods. I told her that the one recently had been the one where Jesus said. “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.“ Had I thought longer, I would have added, ”Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬-‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬ …or at least what I could quote of it. [ ]

As I mentioned in my last article, I had opened a little shop earlier this year, and that has taken some work and learning, along with getting in a rhythm. It had been three months, and although I love it (LOVE—IT!!), I was ready for a little break. Other things needed my attention. In addition, sometimes, there are simply things in life that pile up a smidge, and you need a little break. I told the lady that night that I was there at that point, but God had given rest…not the type of rest you might think of, as in napping a ton, etc.; but rest in the sense of motivation to do the things that needed done at home (which I had prayed for!), and enjoying them in the process…a refreshment, if you will. I have been amazed this year at not only the number of answered prayers, but the quickness in which God has answered!

I knew that night of painting that I had another theme verse currently, but it escaped me. I remembered later, and told her on Sunday of that week. This verse is not one to glaze over or take lightly. It is a verse to stand on; to meditate on; to embrace; to live by…not just for a season.

In life, just as in nature, we go through seasons. I have recently come through a very difficult season, and this new/next season has been an adjustment to say the least. With my parents becoming unwell and then passing, not only did I (and the rest of my family) have to make adjustments during, but also after. Along with that, I’ve encountered accepting the sale of our childhood home (very quickly, I might add) (although we saw God’s hand in that, there was still the accepting and adjusting); them being gone; and in addition, becoming empty nesters over the last few years, along with several career/job changes prior and in the midst of.

Comparing a little to nature, I think most people have a favorite season of the year. Mine is hands-down—FALL / AUTUMN—whatever you want to call it!! It’s beautiful and happy and simply delightful!! Having said that, most people have one that is their least favorite. I’ve encountered several people who hate winter, which I love. I have often said that I enjoy all of the seasons, and I do; but this year, especially, I realized that my struggle is with SPRING more than any other season! I know it may come as a surprise. I knew that there were things that come with spring that I don’t particularly look forward to; however, I actually noticed being tired and a little bit down in dumps here and there this spring.

I will try to briefly explain…

In the past, I knew that Steve would be out and about more for his outside side jobs due to the days being longer and the weather being nicer. Now it isn’t so much that, as I have adjusted better; and with retirement from his “regular” job, he doesn’t have to go out and about all evening as much for those “side” jobs that are now his “day” job. But the fact of the matter is that, there is much to be done in the spring after an often calmer and quiet winter to prepare for summer…decks and outside furniture to clean; flowers to plant, or put out (if you desire to have them); windows that should be washed! Even typing this short list has gotten me heated up just thinking about it!! Thus, the prayer for motivation…a want-to and energy to do the things that needed to be done, along with some neglected housework. You see, I enjoy the season after—summer, but getting ready for summer for me is a little challenging; however, I enjoy the spring temperatures and the beauty of the green that takes over, and the flowers that bloom but for a short spell, and the sense that warm, bright, and sunny days are on the horizon.

In addition to that list, when the time changed, I was very tired for about two weeks. I already put it on the calendar for next year to allow for a vacation/staycation! (We’ll see how that plays out!) On a more somber note, however, spring, for two years now, makes me miss Mom and Dad more. In the past, when spring rolled around, I did look forward to more time to sit on the front porch with them. If Dad was working, Mom and I might sit out there and drink coffee. I would sit in Dad’s chair, and we’d most always look at cookbooks. One of our favorite past times together was looking at and discussing recipes because we both loved to cook and feed people. If Dad was home, he might sit with us for a while, and then he’d usually go off and do his thing…often mowing the yard. These last two springs have brought the harsh reality that those days are no more.

That brings me to this…

Although we have difficult seasons, and we need to adjust accordingly (some things are easier to accept and adjust to than others), there is beauty in each season. There are family and friends to celebrate. There is healing and hope in Jesus, no matter what season. I have experienced the beauty of all of this in this season of life, and in this season of springtime that is merging into summer. I rest in Him, and I see His hand at work in my life — ongoing! I love His Word and how it brings rejoicing, and challenges me to walk every day as Jesus walked. It is an honor to be living today and walking in His shadow…that He may be seen in me…above me.

I am now basically ready for summer…but I will tell you that those windows are still in need of cleaning!! (Any volunteers?!!?). So, things aren’t perfect, but “pert’ near” as the expression goes! …perfect enough to enjoy, at least. Yes, there is still plenty to do that could absolutely be improved upon; I’ve made adjustments to simplify to enable even more enjoyment for this new season. Sometimes, we think because we have always done something, we must always. Traditions are good, but not when they become weights and chains…or even unknowingly a god in our lives.

We sometimes need to stop and evaluate; take a look around; make adjustments with The Holy Spirit’s guidance (still in process here!); not keep living in the past…cherish those wonderful memories; grieve as needed, but recognize that there is a work to be done for the Kingdom; people to love, and fun times to be had! Celebrating is in order!

And that second theme verse, I mentioned above…is one that enables and empowers us to do all of these things, and live above the dumps, without life-halting fear of the future; but to live bearing fruit that consists of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. We just sometimes need to ask, seek, and knock… submit and surrender to the One who can raise the dead…

”The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.“
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬ [ ]

”“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Praise His Name!

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