Every Good Gift

Over my life, I have been in a bad habit of over-explaining myself far too often. Granted, there are times when I have seen the benefit; and sometimes, those details do make for a good story. I’ve come a long way with it being a problem. (I think!) But…sometimes, I just need to do my own thing without telling anyone…or explaining my reasoning. It’s kind of freeing.

Recently, our small town had its annual park lighting for Christmas on the night before Thanksgiving. It’s a big event that draws thousands. The church I attend is strategically located across the street, so we open the doors—literally. The doors are open wide during this time as eager people come and go, picking up and taking cookies and hot chocolate…and using the restrooms that are made available. I love this generosity. It is a true reflection of Christ and the Christmas season. I enjoy standing at the door in the cold as a greeter. I have had the privilege of doing this for two years now. If people are willing to make eye contact, I’m willing to give a smile and a hello!

That night, I had gone alone because Steve had an arm injury and surgery not long before, so he decided to pass on attending. With him being off work, I hadn’t had my normal amount of alone time, but I was still doing well overall. So, that night I attended the event alone.

I parked a street over and walked to the church cutting through the alley by the popular local pizza shop. I entered the back of the church, handed off my sugar cookies, and passed the line of people that had already formed, and went out the front. There I caught up with my friend, Brooke, who was in charge of heading up the event and planted myself by the front entrance in the brisk night air that was moving in. (I remembered to wear warm boots!)

As the time approached for the park to light up and the fireworks to ensue, the crowd coming in and out of the church slowed and the doors began to slowly shut. I am sure some of the crowd came back for more after the park lighting; however, I was gone by then. The event for the church was set up as a no-commitment deal. You just show up if and when you can, and stay and help for as long as works for you. AND—it is encouraged that you bring TONS of cookies!

At this point, I decided I would likely stay to watch the park light up and head out to pick up supper for Steve and me, and then head home. As I let the door I was attending close, I thought maybe I should tell someone I was leaving, but as I analyzed the situation, I realized that I didn’t think that was necessary. So, I stepped through the small bushes and onto the sidewalk facing the park. Then I remembered that I had told someone that you can’t really see the fireworks all that well from that spot. So I glanced around; saw no commitment; and made the decision to head down the sidewalk toward the river where the fireworks would be released…weaving in and out of the distracted crowd, practically invisible…or at least it felt like it, and I kind of hope for it. I did have one familiar face that I had talked with earlier comment to me, but I gave a quick, “Hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving,” and continued on my merry way.

I reached the corner across from the park and planted myself in that area where the people were few and the view was perfect for me. The firework display was fabulous, and the Christmas lights did not disappoint. When all was well and finished, I walked on down the avenue by the river embracing the view and the people mingling by the homes…enjoying the stroll and celebrating these precious moments in my heart.

Sometimes, life can get busy; or we can become overcommitted, and if we take a quick evaluation, we may realize that we are distracted by many things and enjoying few moments.

Whatever your personality, we are the same in the respect that we all need time to rest and recoup…and maybe refocus occasionally. This Christmas, I would encourage us to allow some leeway to take time to simply celebrate life and little things with a thankful heart.

Embrace the snow flurries.
Breathe in the crisp air.
See the beauty in the sky.
Sit by the fire.
Stand still and feel the cool breeze on your face.
And…thank the Creator for all He has given…including the gift of His Son.
His gifts are good.

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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