A Christmas Letter

A personal note of cheer from our house to yours!

I hope this letter finds you blessed and grateful, and in celebration mode of the Savior’s birth!  We have so much to thank Him for…if for nothing more than His birth, death, and resurrection!  Anything above that is bonus and blessing!

I’d like to list a “few” of my bonus blessings (I’ve left a couple of spaces in case you’d like to add to my list!)

  • life itself—this moment—and the ability to write this letter
  • the freedom to go to church, and gather to worship, and encourage one another especially through turbulent times
  • my family and all the years we have shared together…especially Christmas after Christmas
  • a warm home to go to after the celebrations, or a after a day of work
  • a warm bed with blankets and a pillow to lay my head on
  • the ability to walk; to talk; to see; to hear; to taste; to smell
  • the warmth of the sunshine upon my face
  • the chilly air of quiet winter months
  • a good book
  • the Bible…which is truly a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path
  • each day I wake up and feel like getting out of that warm bed
  • my husband and my kids, and the nearness we share
  • food…and not just enough—more than enough…the pleasures of a piece of pie or a cookie, or maybe a pasta dish with some alfredo sauce
  • lunch with a friend
  • hugs
  • the lights at Christmas; and that Light that was placed in my heart years ago, that with the help of Jesus and His grace still shines today and will continue throughout eternity.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights…”  James 1:17 KJV

This Christmas, may we embrace every single one of those perfect gifts from above with grateful and thankful hearts.

And let me add one more to my list…

  • I am thankful for you!

Wishing you a Merry, MERRY, Merry Christmas!!!


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